Up in the Attic

Watch ‘Up in the Attic’ trailer below

Up in the Attic is a new piece of original musical theatre devised and developed here in Barnsley. Inspired by personal experiences of autism and childhood memories of play, it tells the story of one man’s journey of self-discovery and acceptance as he learns to let go of his childhood and to embrace his independent adult life and his place amongst the neurotypical rat race.

This unique and inspiring coming-of-age story incorporates elements of ghost stories and musical theatre, developed through improvisation workshops exploring disability pride, repetitive behaviours and overcoming the negative experiences of being an Autistic adult.

Up in the Attic  originally previewed in February 2020 for a sell-out audience. The plan was for the company to tour the production around the South West Yorkshire region in Spring and Autumn 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic put a dramatic stop to our plans and for 18 months, we were forced to  meet online.

Two and a half years later, Cross the Sky performed the show for a second time in front of an audience at Barnsley Civic. The show was re-shaped to incorporate new members’ talents and accommodations. In Spring 2023, the show will be performed for a select number of schools and colleges.

Photographs by James Mulkeen & John Slemensek-Thorne - Studio Bokehgo

To read the programme

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